椅 凳 类


壹·杌凳  贰·坐墩  叁·交杌  肆长凳  伍·椅  陆·宝座









一、条凳      大小长短不一致,最常见的日用品,尺寸较小,面板厚寸许,多用柴木制成,通称“板凳”,北宋时已定型。尺寸稍大,面板较厚的,或称大条凳,除供坐人外,兼可承物。最为长大笨重,因放在大门道里使用而被称为“门凳”的,亦可归入此类。

二、二人凳      凳面宽于一般条凳,长三尺余,可容二人并坐,故名。它在南方被称为“春凳”。

三、春凳       长五六尺,宽逾二尺,可坐三五人,亦可睡卧,以代小榻,或陈置器物,功同桌案。南方、北方,均称此为“春凳”,明清小说及清代匠作《则例》中也有记述。


椅子是有靠背的坐具,式样和大小,差别甚大。除形制特大,雕饰奢华,成为尊贵的独座而应称为“宝座”外,余均入此类。明式椅子依其形制大体可分为四式:一、靠背椅  二、扶手椅  三、圈椅  四、交椅

Expressing the Brand Essence Using Design is What Brings Brands Alive.

We are an independent branding studio and creative business partner for clients who are ready for extraordinary solutions.
To deliver such solutions we dig deep into a brand’s essence and values, clearly understand them, and then inject them into the design. This is the surest way to move beyond design for design’s sake and give consumers a brand that is both undeniably relevant and incredibly engaging.
Sure, it’s also a process by which we’ve been competing with world’s leading brands and won many respectable awards. But awards aren’t our goal. While they provide proof of our creativity, the appreciation of our works and offer credibility that comes from peer recognition, they are ultimately a means to acquiring ever more difficult challenges.
And that is ultimately what get’s us up in the morning:  the thrill of working with clients to try and tackle increasingly challenging branding problems that then lead to successful businesses for clients.
Intrigued?  Why not give us a shout today and see how we can transform your brand and your business.